[만능 Prompt 공개] ChatGPT로 영어 시험 출제 스트레스 해방되기 1 - 주제/제목/요지부터 시작합니다!

발행일 : 2023-10-04 07:55  


자 영어선생님들 모두의 스트레스....

그것은 바로 시험출제...!


지금부터 종종 ChatGPT를 활용한 출제 방법을 공유하고자 합니다.

많은 선생님들께 도움이 되길 바라며!





[2019 고1 9월 33번]

All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your _________. If you talk to unhappy people and ask them what they think about most of the time, you will find that almost without fail, they think about their problems, their bills, their negative relationships, and all the difficulties in their lives. But when you talk to successful, happy people, you find that they think and talk most of the time about the things that they want to be, do, and have. They think and talk about the specific action steps they can take to get them. They dwell continually on vivid, exciting pictures of what their goals will look like when they are realized, and what their dreams will look like when they come true.

① mental pictures

② physical competence

③ cooperative attitude

④ learning environment

⑤ academic achievements

[바로 체험 해보기 - Prompt 공개]



자, 이 지문을 어떻게 하면 주제 찾는 문제로 만들 수 있을까요?

아래 내용을 바로 복붙해보셔요!

아래 프롬프트에 대한 설명은 후속 글에서 또 알려드리죠...ㅎㅎㅎ

All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures. If you talk to unhappy people and ask them what they think about most of the time, you will find that almost without fail, they think about their problems, their bills, their negative relationships, and all the difficulties in their lives. But when you talk to successful, happy people, you find that they think and talk most of the time about the things that they want to be, do, and have. They think and talk about the specific action steps they can take to get them. They dwell continually on vivid, exciting pictures of what their goals will look like when they are realized, and what their dreams will look like when they come true.

​Act as if you are a quiz maker.

Make options for the stem according to the conditions below.

Stem: Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

Provide 10 options for the correct answers.

Provide 10 options for the wrong answers. They should be attractive enough to be mistaken for an incorrect answer.

Use only CEFR B1 level words.

Provide your explanation for each option.




정답지 10개

오답지 10개

뚝딱 나오죠?

이제 선생님이 적당한 것을 고르시면 됩니다!

내신시험이라면 이미 수십번 읽은 지문이기에 난이도가 낮지만, 금방 만들 수 있어서 좋습니다.


안녕하세요? 더 나은 교사가 되기 위해 노력하는 박석경입니다. 😄

⭐강의 전문 분야⭐
- 학급경영, 생활교육
- 안전한 교실을 위한 교사용 자기방어술
- 에듀테크, 크롬북, G-suite
- 영어 독서교육 (Extensive Reading)
- 영어과 수업사례 공유 (과정중심평가, 형성평가, 동기부여)


"아이들을 사랑하는 것만으로는 부족합니다. 

그들이 사랑받고 있음을 알도록 사랑하십시오."

                                           - 성 요한 보스코



